And It's Not Just Tooth Decay That's to Blame

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Due to the general acceleration of life, i.e. life activities, most people have all sorts of dilemmas, those concerning mouth and teeth among others. We provide an expert answer to some of these dilemmas.

Grumpy On Mondays?

  1. Is it true or false that flossing can harm us? If so, how?

Dental floss is very important in maintaining oral hygiene. We can't wash the spaces between the teeth with a toothbrush, we can only do it with a floss. However, rough use of the suture can damage the gingival.


2) How much toothpaste is really needed to brush your teeth? Which toothpastes do you recommend?

It is enough to put pea size amount of paste on a toothbrush. It is very important that the toothbrush is dry before brushing your teeth. There are many toothpastes on the market for different tastes and smells. Everyone can choose a paste that suits them. When buying, you should take care that the paste contains fluoride. The concentration of fluoride for children is up to 1100 ppm, and 1100-1500 ppm for adults.


3) Is it true that toothbrushes are not harmless at all if we use them for a long time? How can we prevent that?

Over time, bacteria build up on the toothbrush. And the brushes need to be maintained. After each brushing, it is necessary to rinse the brush with warm water and dry it.


4) How often should you change your toothbrush?

It is recommended to change the toothbrush every three months.


5) Can two different people, a partner, a husband and wife, etc., sometimes brush their teeth with one brush?

We do not recommend that two people use the same toothbrush, no matter what their relationship is.


6) Can fixed dentures solve all anomalies in the arrangement of teeth, even in adults?

Fixed dentures can solve the problem of dental anomalies even in adults!


7) Can deposits on the tongue that come from indigestion and fungi endanger the health of teeth and mouth?

There are a number of bacteria that live normally on the tongue. But if there are bacteria and fungi that do not belong there (e.g., Candida albicans and others), the health of the mouth and teeth can be endangered.


8) Is dental plaque the main culprit for tooth decay?

Caries is a disease with multiple causes, which means that there are many causes for it. In the first place, there is oral hygiene, then the composition of saliva, a sugar-rich diet, systemic diseases and syndromes, use of some drugs and genetic factors.


9) How much does genetics affect tooth decay?

Genetic factor affects the composition and structure of teeth. So, there is a better and worse quality of teeth. People with poorer teeth quality should visit a dentist more often.


Authors: Dr. Jelena and Dr. Srđan Filipović, dentists

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